ChoiSiWon Search

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Your character in She Was Pretty made me depressed for 3 days. Lol. Nonetheless, it was well played. Superb acting. ❤️

You are my favorite 2nd lead and I hope that you get to land a lead role and good kdrama soon again.❤️ #ChoiSiWon


I love you


I am who I want to be right now, because I have you by my side.


#ChoiSiWon #MrPerfectionies

#ChoiSiWon #TheBestKdramaActor #MrPerfectionies #SincereHeart #GoodGuyAndSon #HappyAndGoLuckyBoy #SuperDaebak

😍 😍 😍

💙💙💙💙💙 #ChoiSiWon
