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#BOBBY #바비



#바비 #BOBBY

#BOBBY #바비


#BOBBY #바비 💜

#BOBBY #바비

#바비 #BOBBY 💜🌊




20200901 🐰🌊🌊🌊
"Fame is also crucial, but there is nothing more important than seeing my family comfortable.It made me strive to work harder for them."
#김지원 #바비 #Bobby #BOBBY #KIMJIWON #金知元

20200901 🐰🌊🌊🌊
"Ultimately, I want my music 🎶 to bring comfort to listeners and give them energy. I hope it does more than just bring enjoyment,but to give courage to my fan."
#김지원 #바비 #Bobby #BOBBY #KIMJIWON #金知元

20200901 🐰🌊🌊🌊
#김지원 #바비 #Bobby #BOBBY #KIMJIWON #金知元



#바비 #BOBBY


#BOBBY #바비 💜
