Happy 14th Debut Anniversary, Solji!!!
The leader, the vocalist, the dancer, the visual, the mother, the angel of EXID.
May success and happiness be with Solji always.
Be waiting for her solo album.
#EXID #Solji #14yearswithSolji

Happiest 14th Debut Anniversary to Solji.
Debut as 2NB ➡️ EXID's vocal trainer ➡️ EXID's leader & main vocalist
#14yearswithSolji #Solji #EXID

Happy 14th Debut Anniversary to Heo Solji!!!
EXID's leader, vocalist, dancer, visual and sometimes the 'maknae'.
Wish Solji all the happiness and success.
Stay pretty and young always.
#Solji #EXID #14yearswithSolji