종현 검색하기

로그인 하셔서 다양한 이벤트와
팸 친구들을 만나보세요


Our sweet Jongie at Delicious Xmas :))) Cr to owner

Our cool Jongie at Music Bank rehearsals :))) Cr to owner

Our adorable Jongie :))) Cr to owner

Our beautiful Jongie :))) Cr to owner

Our lovely puppies :))) Cr to owner

Our adorable Jongie :))) Cr to owner

Our lovely Jongie in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our sweet Jongie at the Agit :))) Cr to owner

Our adorable cute grumpy Jongie at Sampran garden in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our lovely Jongie at Sampran garden in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our cute puppies in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our adorable puppies in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our funny puppies in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our adorable puppies in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our lovely Jongie and Onew at Sampran garden in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our adorable puppies in Sampran garden in Thailand :))) Cr to owner

Our sweet Jongie at KJE's chocolate recording :))) Cr to owner

Our beautiful Jongie at X-Inspiration :))) Cr to owner

Our beautiful Jongie X-Inspiration Concert spoiler live on Vlive :) Cr to owner

Our lovely Jongie :))) Cr to owner
