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Happy birthday, Go Ara❤️!

Happy birthday, Go Ara! ❤️

Greetings, everyone! Please find time to vote for Go Ara here: [ https://metkstar.com/post/list/125?lang=en ] First step is, by creating an account using any of your email or gmail accounts. A verification code will then be sent to your inbox. Enter that code and, tada! You now have a metkstar account! After you've set your profile and put on the infos you'd like to share, go look for Go Ara under the kdrama actress category. Click Her and you will be redirected to the orange "Join Fam" thingy located at the bottom of the site. Click it and you may now vote for her as much as you want! Note that only a maximum of 10 votes are available at a time and that's it. There will be no more excess or whatsoever so please.. just keep on voting and don't waste the votes by letting it stack up to the maximum available votes for each account everytime. Each vote, also has a 25-second waiting time before you can submit another vote so please be patient. That's all. Your time, effort and passion in doing this fan activity will be highly appreciated. Thank You ❤️
