도영 검색하기

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팸 친구들을 만나보세요


Dobbies, let's continue voting!

cute #dobby

Vote for #DOBBY!

always #DOYOUNG 💕💕💕

This is your chance to write your messages or send fanart or Doyoung! Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKhAmSKfcYY2HHFXLwIIxHQQo_ZPc8JvM40bDT-g2nsAOzyw/viewform

Please support our project! Head on to our twitter: DobbyGlobal for more details. Thank you!

💕💕💕 #DOBBY

Please vote! 💛

hello! #DOBBY

Dobby's new day to vote! Let's make his rank higher!


Hi, let's keep your votes up 💛 Please also comment.

Keep Voting Dobbys! Please also comment :)

Pls vote for Dobby!

hello! #DOBBY


Time for new day to vote! :)


Remember this pic?

