Junkyu Search

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Create and react on posts to gain points and buy bundle hearts. Check in daily, vote every 1 hour. Use your items #JUNKYU


Let's vote guys😍 #JUNKYU


Junkyu enjoying watching us voting #JUNKYU


did it work? #JUNKYU

Check your points if you it's enough to buy bundle hearts then use the item when voting for #JUNKYU

keep posting then buy bundle hearts to have more votes for junkyu #JUNKYU


Stan junkyu #JUNKYU

Creating posts gain more points then buy bundle hearts for junkyu to have more votes #JUNKYU


You can spam junkyu fam page with posts #JUNKYU

Vote 100 times daily for junkyu to gain anither 100 votes. Fighting! #JUNKYU

Keep on voting for #JUNKYU




