유현 팸

로그인 하셔서 다양한 이벤트와
팸 친구들을 만나보세요

유현 드림캐쳐 맴버 38
231124 Ketapo Fan Signing Event 💚🐶 #유현 #YOOHYEON #드림캐쳐 #DREAMCATCHER

Neogen 🖤 Dreamcatcher

#지유 #유현 #드림캐쳐
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 9th Mini Album [VillainS] Teaser Image 01

#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #유현 #YOOHYEON
#9th_Mini_Album #VillainS
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 9th Mini Album [VillainS] Teaser Image 02

2023. 11. 22 6PM (KST)

#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #유현 #YOOHYEON
#9th_Mini_Album #VillainS

🕕 Tuesday 6:05pm ~ 6:55pm KST
🗳️ max 500 ♡ jelly
📱Star Planet App - prepare as many accounts as possible

🔗 guide: https://7-dreamers.com/guides/the-show/starplanet-the-show/

#Dreamcatcher #드림캐쳐
220417 - Yoohyeon
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 2nd Album [Apocalypse : Save us] Teaser Image #03

#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #유현 #YOOHYEON
#2nd_Album #Apocalypse #Save_us
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 2nd Album [Apocalypse : Save us] Teaser Image #02

#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #유현 #YOOHYEON
#2nd_Album #Apocalypse #Save_us
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 2nd Album [Apocalypse : Save us] Teaser Image #01

#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #유현 #YOOHYEON
#2nd_Album #Apocalypse #Save_us
#Summer_Holiday teaser 3
#Summer_Holiday teaser 2
#Summer_Holiday teaser 1
#Yoohyeon #유현
Yoohyeon with Handong
[PIC] [#YOOHYEON] Weverse Post

Bbyuu😗Do u know that...? The title song is really lit..?

Note: Yoohyeon translated herself!

Credits to @7_DREAMERS
#Dreamcatcher #드림캐쳐
#Road_to_Utopia teasers 1-3
Late bday post
#PuppyYooDay #HappyYoohyeonDay
Happy Yoohyeon day ❤️
Don't forget to vote for #Dreamcatcher #드림캐쳐 and your bias ( #Yoohyeon | #유현 )

1️⃣ SNS: Whosfan on Twitter
Duration: 12/08 06:00 PM - 12/10 06:00PM (KST)
Reward: To be included in the top 16 WhosFandom Award
How to vote: Retweet this link: https://twitter.com/Whosfan_HANTEO/status/1336235637960163328

2️⃣ FanPlus app: Gahyeon for
Duration: 12/03 17:00 - 12/31
Reward: Subway ad if we reached 3M votes
Latest Position: 38 - 595,249 votes



1️⃣ THEKKING app: Dreamcatcher for Who is the best artist of the year by THEKKING?
Duration: 12/01 - 12/28 00:00 KST
Reward: Gangnam MONTESSORI Building ad for 1 day (more than 100 times)
Latest Position: 5TH

2️⃣ Premio Annual K4US (PAK): BOCA for and Dreamcatcher for
🔗 https://k4us.com.br/pak2020/?fbclid=IwAR2mR8GlARgpNnhTGQKLzq9LBiIswJ4-SfdMVD9t7wNGHAJr7Kj_1I1laAU#democracy-7
Deadline: 12/18 12:00 Brasilia time
Latest Position: BOCA = 1243 votes - 4% @ 8TH
Dreamcatcher = 3277 votes - 16% @ 2ND

3️⃣ King Choice: Gahyeon for
Link: https://kingchoice.me/topic-hot-100-kpop-idols-ranking-2020-close-dec-20-1253.html
Deadline: 12/20
How to vote: Click on the green arrow 10 times per hour. You can also downvote 5 times every hour, so use that wisely.
Ranking: 35 (🔽)

4️⃣ NPOV Awards: for Sahara Best B-Side(Female) /Melhor B-side (Feminino); BOCA for Best MV of the Year / Melhor MV do ano (Feminino); Dreamcatcher for Rising Artist / Artista em Ascenção
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0BRyJHfjR_mVVu5F-IqWlO0CI6vE0Q7T5687_P4pZpde7Cw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0d1ual4FwPFI_-q4Rh07whmfKQwlKALM3U6dbL7R2y9rMKZ9JU8otsvSI
Deadline: 12/15 9:00
How to Vote: unli voting through Google Sheets

5️⃣ MetKStar Website: Dreamcatcher for ; any preferred member for
Deadline: possibly by January 2021
Reward: donation under the name of the top 1 and top 2
How to vote: https://www.facebook.com/DcPromotionTeam/posts/170203794830164
🔗 https://metkstar.com/
Dreamcatcher - 15 (1🔽)
JiU - 99 (6🔼) - 0 votes
SuA - 105 (—) - 0 votes
Siyeon - 45 (1🔼) - 29 votes
Yoohyeon - 103 (—) - 0 votes
Handong - 48 (1🔼) - 23 votes
Dami - 80 (220🔼) - 4 votes
Gahyeon - 41 (32🔼) - 36 votes

6️⃣ King Choice website: any member for
Deadline: 12/15 9:00
Reward: be a nominee for THE 100 MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD 2020
How to vote: Enter member name, group name, and upload photo of them; 1 nomination per account

7️⃣ King Choice website: any member for
Deadline: 02/28/21 9:00
Reward: be a nominee for Visual Queen of KPOP 2021
How to vote: Enter member name, group name, and upload photo of them; 1 nomination per account
8️⃣ King Choice website: any member for <100 KPOP Idol Vocalist Ranking 2021>
Deadline: 02/28/21 9:00
Reward: be a nominee for 100 KPOP Idol Vocalist Ranking 2021
How to vote: Enter member name, group name, and upload photo of them; 1 nomination per account


🥩 SPAM 🥩
➡ TC Candler FB
1. Nominate JiU, SuA, Yoohyeon, Handong, Dami, Gahyeon
2. Vote for Siyeon
🔗 https://www.facebook.com/independentcritics/posts/3696907450367705


➡ Idol Champ app: Dami’s pop-up ad
Deadline: 03/01/20 9:59
Reason: We need to save time and ruby chamsims for possible comeback early next year.

➡ THEKKING app: Dreamcatcher for
Duration: 12/01 - 12/28 00:00 KST
Reason: We can't beat the top 4.

➡ THEKKING app: any Dreamcatcher member for
Duration: 12/01 - 12/28 00:00 KST
Reason: We can't beat the top 3.
Don't forget to vote for #Dreamcatcher #드림캐쳐 and your bias ( #JiU #SuA #Siyeon #Yoohyeon #Handong #Dami #Gahyeon | #지유 #수아 #시연 #유현 #한동 #다미 #가현)
#YOOHYEON #Dreamcatcher #드림캐쳐