태민 팸

로그인 하셔서 다양한 이벤트와
팸 친구들을 만나보세요

[🧚] Let's save our hearts so we can make Taemin a Charity Fairy for his Birthday 💕💕🥰🥰💎💎

[📥[ Voting:

💎 SMA for international fans, vote on MAIN category with multiple accounts.

- Get free tickets every 10 minutes.
- You can only vote 10 times in a single category per day.

💎 TTA for SHINee:


- Get 3 free tickets per account and day. You can vote 30 times per day.

[♥] Collect and send hearts on:

💕 Choeaedol
💕 Idol Champ
💕 Mubeat
💕 FanPlus
💕 Whosfan
