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Can we witness their Live performance once more??

Source : Naver

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

Sealing the mischievous Sanchae for a sec. Look at the tiny tail wagging~ 😂😂😂

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준


#sonhojun #sonhojoon #CFstar #sonluv #shj

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#손호준 #sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #sonluv

When the trio's first heard of "French Toast with Orange Marmalade " 😂😂😂

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

Stellar script reading (Young Bae)
#sonhojun, #sonhojoon #shj #sonluv #BestKdramaActor

Fruits and vegetables - healthy 🥗


#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

His smile... 😍😍😍

Source : yg_stage (Instagram)

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

Will you still try this barley drink after seeing Ho Jun drank it? 😂😂

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

Ho Jun's first appearance in 3MAD (Manjae Island)~

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

New pictorial 💛💛💛

Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=31047782&memberNo=33889228&navigationType=push

#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン

New pictorial 💛💛💛

Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=31047782&memberNo=33889228&navigationType=push

#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン

New pictorial 💛💛💛

Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=31047782&memberNo=33889228&navigationType=push

#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン

New pictorial 💛💛💛

Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=31047782&memberNo=33889228&navigationType=push

#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン

New pictorial 💛💛💛

Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=31047782&memberNo=33889228&navigationType=push

#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン

So happy to contribute more hearts for today.. 😍😍😍

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준

New pictorial 💛💛💛

Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=31047782&memberNo=33889228&navigationType=push

#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン

How on earth this man looks so handsome???

#sonhojun #sonhojoon #shj #손호준


#sonhojoon #sonhojun #shj #손호준 #孫浩俊 #ソンホジュン
Photo credit: JTBC
