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#AKMU #AKDONGMUSICIAN #NationsSiblings #AkdongMusicians

Suhyun and Chanwoo. #AKMU #AKDONGMUSICIAN #NationsSiblings #AkdongMusicians

Mission achieved👏 #AKMU


Just saw this and this color palette is so beautiful

Happy birthday to our baby Suhyun 🌻✨🎂 Let's give her a gift by giving our 100% votes for her.. ♥♥💛 #AKMU #AKDONGMUSICIAN

Done with the 100 Vote 🔥🔥👏✨💪 How about you guys? #AKMU #AKDONGMUSICIAN



Let's do our best, and make the ranking for #NationsSiblings to rank up higher #AKMU #AkdongMusicians



Hi, I joined here earlier this morning and I don't really have any pictures of them but I voted for them. ♥ Not a fan or them but I like their music ✨💕 AKMU FAMILY FIGHTING 🔥 #AKDONGMUSICIAN 🌻

VOTE AND VOTE AND VOTE AND CONTINUE VOTING FOR THIS SO TALENTED SIBLINGS also known as AKMU!!!! VOTE,VOTE,VOTE Everyone we can do this!!! Let's put them on Top!!!

