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마마무 화사 #Hwasa #화사  #Mamamoo #Solar #Wheein #Moonbyul


마마무 화사 #Hwasa #화사  #Solar #Wheein #Moonbyul #Mamamoo

마마무 화사 #Mamamoo #Hwasa #화사  #Solar #Wheein #Moonbyul










#Mamamoo #Hwasa #Moonbyul



#Mamamoo 💜

Moomoos download #choeaedol to vote for #Mamamoo and the members. We are collecting ever hearts to give MMM charity fairy on their anniversary. The app also holds the voting for AAA and Soba Popularity awards!

It's easier than this one, you can vote the amount of hearts you choose at once.

vote on pictures to receive 10% of every 100 hearts.
10 ads per hour = 300 ever hearts
100 hearts for posting a picture with high resolution
100 hearts for posting a Youtube or Vlive link/url
Daily hearts can be acquired from hearts boxes (10 every 4 hours) *just click on pics and tap the red heart*
Add 300 friends and exchange hearts = 900 daily hearts

Use all daily hearts before 12pm kst (when the clock ends)


