남준 검색하기

로그인 하셔서 다양한 이벤트와
팸 친구들을 만나보세요


#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄💖💖💖

#RM #BTS Armys voten por este gif para la foto de cubierta de BTS por favor :)💜💜💜💜💜💜💜



#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄🌸

#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS💝💝💝


#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄 #RM⚘⚘⚘

What happened to us today guys?! Why are we at number 27 in the ranking right now? Before I voted there were not even 10 hearts,like there were just 6 hearts?! Let's pull through this for RM! Fighting!!

Joon is such a caring and thoughtful person. His wisdom amazes me and makes me wonder how great of a person,a friend he actually is. I really wish I would have got to know him and meet him,to experience what it feels like to be around him. His words and lyrics have always comforted me and I find solace in his music. I really respect and admire this giant baby 💖.



#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄💕💕💕


#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄💝


#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄 #RM⚘⚘⚘

#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄 #RM⚘⚘⚘💟💟💟

#V #RM

#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS💖💖💖

#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS #RMBTS #RM남준방탄💘

#RM #KimNamjoon #BTS💘💘💘
