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Help us to save Ever Hearts on Choeaedol for Taemin's birthday. We need to start collecting early in order to make him a Charity fairy on that day 💕💞💕💞💕 Also, start collecting votes on FanPlus, we have exactly 3 months until the voting for Taemin start 💎💎💎💎💎







[🧚] Join us on CHOEAEDOL and save our hearts so we can make Taemin a Charity Fairy for his Birthday 💕💕🥰🥰💎💎 [📥] Voting: 💎 SMA for international fans, vote on MAIN category with multiple accounts. - Get free tickets every 10 minutes. - You can only vote 10 times in a single category per day. 💎 MUBEAT You can focus on Male Solo Artist but keep in mind SHINee's comeback 💎😉 [♥] Collect and send hearts on: 💕 Choeaedol 💕 Idol Champ 💕 Mubeat 💕 FanPlus 💕 Whosfan



#Taemin #taemin #SHINee #shinee #TAEMIN #Taemin❤ #Shinee #Criminal #SuperM


Taemin :)


[📥] PLEASE VOTE: 💎 SMA for international fans, vote on MAIN category with multiple accounts. - Get free tickets every 10 minutes. - You can only vote 10 times in a single category per day. [🧚] Let's save our hearts so we can make Taemin a Charity Fairy for his Birthday 💕💕🥰🥰💎💎 [♥] Collect and send hearts on: 💕 Choeaedol 💕 Idol Champ 💕 Mubeat 💕 FanPlus 💕 Whosfan

Join us on Choeaedol 💎💎♥♥ Don't forget to vote for #Taemin on SMA Let's keep fighting 💪💪🥰🥰🥰


📥PLEASE VOTE: 💎 SMA for international fans, vote on MAIN category with multiple accounts. - Get free tickets every 10 minutes. - You can only vote 10 times in a single category per day. ♥ Collect and send hearts on: 💕 Choeaedol 💕 Idol Champ 💕 Mubeat 💕 FanPlus 💕 Whosfan

#Taemin #SHINee #SHINEE

It is hard, but lets vote every hour https://kpopvote.net/who-is-the-best-kpop-male-dancer-2021-vote-here
