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Haruto, i love you ♥️


#HARUTO #하루토

My twitter is suck sjsjsjs kakaotalk leggo 🤙

why is my point stuck, i didn't get the point even if i post something #하루토 #HARUTO

bear with me fam, my twitter is glitching haha and i'm trying to earn points 🤩 #HARUTO #하루토 #ハルト #TREASURE #트레저


50 points per post and 2 points if you got a emoji reaction, im not sure when you get a comment yet 😃 #HARUTO #하루토 #ハルト #TREASURE #트레저

Haruto ily

Don't mind me, i just want points


ohh i just learned that they'll give u 50 points per post so here's one!😂 #HARUTO #하루토 #ハルト #TREASURE #트레저

guys don't forget to check-in to get a random box! 🙂 #HARUTO #하루토 #ハルト #TREASURE #트레저

thank u for working hard, fam! #HARUTO #하루토 #ハルト #TREASURE #트레저


does anyone know how fam mission works? #트레저 #TREASURE #하루토 #HARUTO

haruto best boy #HARUTO #하루토 #ハルト

haruto best boy!!

If you give other post reaction, who post that will get point . Then they can go to the shop to change point to heart bundles => more vote for Haruto. thank bnn2210 for the tips ❤️

Love you ❤

Hello, I'm trying so many times to sign up. Finally I can join the fam
