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#Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin

#binnie #kimtaepyung #Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin

#binnie #kimtaepyung #Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin

#Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin


#HyunBin #Hyunbin4ever

#HyunBin #Hyunbin4ever

#BinJin #Binnie #Hyunbin4ever

#Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin

#Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin

#Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin #CLOY

#Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin #CLOY

#hyunbin #kimtaepyung #binnie #Hyunbin4ever

#hyunbin #binnie #kimtaepyung #Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin #Hyunbin #Binnie #CLOY #BinJin #KimTaePyung

#HyunBin Oppa, i hope you could really read this message. You know, Ive been loving you since Kim Samsoon days. Ive watched your movies. And after watching CLOY for 2x already, then after watching all your interviews (The Negotiation and CLOY combined) along with Son Ye Jin on youtube, Im now desperately praying for your happiness. I pray that you end up being married with SYJ, you look good together, the chemistry is remarkable, and its pretty obvious that you have feelings for each other. Both of your gestures for one another are undeniable. Both of you have been successful careerwise, being loved by many around the world, what else can we ask for but for your happiness. I love you both to the moon and back.! ❤ #binnie #kimtaepyung #Hyunbin4ever

#hyunbin #binnie #kimtaepyong #Hyunbin4ever

King of my heart😍😍😍
#hyunbin #Kimtaepyung #Hyunbin4ever #binnie

#hyunbin #binnie #kimtaepyung #Hyunbin4ever #HyunBin #Hyunbin #Binnie #CLOY #BinJin

#hyunbin #kimtaepyung #binnie #Hyunbin4ever

#hyunbin #kimtaepyung #binnie #Hyunbin4ever
